Our Vision

A Planet in Balance

At Arbor, we envision a future where humanity and nature not only coexist but thrive together—where the power we generate today helps to heal the damage of our past. Our vision is both simple and bold: a planet in balance. To realize this future, we must draw down the carbon emissions of yesterday, create systems that reuse and regenerate resources, and bring nature back into the spaces where we live, work, and grow.

In this future, innovation and stewardship are not at odds—they are partners in progress. We believe the key to a sustainable future lies in using technology to enhance natural processes, fostering a healthier, more resilient ecosystem for generations to come. This endeavor is about more than just survival; it’s about growth, hope, and creating a world we can be proud to pass on.

Using BECCS (Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage) and DACS (Direct Air Capture with Storage)

Our Mission

Gigawatts of Clean Power Generated, Gigatons of Emissions Removed    

Our mission at Arbor is to bring gigawatts of clean, dependable power online while removing gigatons of legacy carbon emissions from our atmosphere.

With over a century of combined experience at aerospace leaders like SpaceX and GE, our team has a deep respect for the delicate balance of Earth’s climate—a life support system that shields us from the harshness of space. In that same spirit, we are driven to protect our planet, knowing that the answers to today’s challenges lie in the boundless potential of human innovation working in harmony with nature’s resilience.  

Arbor’s Story  

Arbor was conceived by Brad Hartwig, an aerospace engineer who helped create rocket engines at SpaceX. Brad’s journey began with a dream to explore space, but witnessing the devastating effects of climate change, particularly wildfires in his home state of California, changed his trajectory. He gathered a team of engineers and climate scientists who have spent their careers developing some of the most advanced rocket engine technologies and power systems.

Shifting their focus from exploring space to saving Earth, the Arbor team is developing a carbon capture engine that uses advanced space technology to generate clean power while permanently removing CO2. Arbor is dedicated to turning what was once a moonshot dream into an achievable reality—a sustainable future for generations to come.

The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.
— Nelson Henderson

Become a Catalyst for Change

If this vision of a thriving future speaks to you, join us in our revolutionary mission. Together, we can harness the best of human innovation and the power of nature to create a planet in balance.